Get Started

Get started with Business Commands

Commands related to business use a different authentication than your personal vault.

Commands are calling a server API to perform actions and retrieve data. The first step is to login with the personal account (follow this guide) of a team admin and to generate a set of credentials.

Generate credentials

Needs to be authenticated as an admin to use this command.
dcli t credentials generate

You will be prompted with a list of variables to export in your environment. Simply copy/paste them in your terminal.

export DASHLANE_TEAM_DEVICE_KEYS=dlt_[deviceAccessKey]_[payload]

On Windows, you can use the set command instead of export.

set DASHLANE_TEAM_DEVICE_KEYS=dlt_[deviceAccessKey]_[payload]

Make sure you save them in a safe place (use a secure note for instance 😉).

The token you'll get is starting by dlt in order to be easily identified by scanning tools.

List credentials

Needs to be authenticated as an admin to use this command.
dcli t credentials list

Revoke credentials

Needs to be authenticated as an admin to use this command.
dcli t credentials revoke <DASHLANE_TEAM_ACCESS_KEY>